Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Day 6 Ripon to York

The good news is that I made it to Beverley today, the bad news is that it rained all day, so I got soaked to the skin. My boots and socks are at this moment on the radiator, hoping to dry enough for tomorrow.

Let's look back to Monday. The pub served up a great breakfast. I'm not sure that all these gut busting cooked breakfasts are good for me, I don't like starting the day with a stuffed up feeling, in fact I don't like big meals, little and often is best for me. But while I am unable to carry much food it's best to fill up before I leave.

 I had a little look around Ripon before I left. In the centre of this city there is a big square with attractive looking buildings on all sides. As I was wandering around taking photo's I bumped into a woman who I met the night before as I arrived, I had asked her where I would find a bed for the night. It was a coincidence that I should meet her again.

She pointed me in the direction of the cathedral, where I spent 20 minutes looking around. It's a magnificant building, don't you agree.

This is the back view of it.

Inside was lovely.

Just as I came out of the cathedral, there was the woman again. She told me about her boat down on the canal, and as I was setting off in that direction I went to have a look. Here is Sue with her barge. She offered to make me a coffee, but as I was already full, and I needed to get going I thanked her but declined.

I walked along the canal which then became the river, and after a while I came across this lovely view. It's Newby Hall. Sorry I couldn't swim across to get more pics.

I pressed on along the river and had to stop to get changed. The sun was out and my trousers were annoying me, so it was on with the shorts. I came off the river and took the road the short distance to Boroughbridge. I didn't take any photo's except for this one of the weir.

Today there was a lot of miles to do, I was rather hoping to get to York and the Youth Hostel. My route took me through Myton on Swale, Aldwark, Linton on Ouse, Newton on Ouse, and Benningbrough. I can't remember where I saw this water pump, oops.

When I got to Newton on Ouse, I was about ready for stopping. I asked a woman if she knew of anywhere nearby that I could get a bed. She said she didn't but if I took a short cut through Benningburgh Park it wouldn't be so far to York. As I entered the park gates a woman on a bicycle came along and rode alongside me, chatting away. She seemed friendly enough so I was happy to chat, though I needed to keep moving.
Eventually I came out the other side and headed for the village, hoping to get a bed. No such luck. I asked a woman who was working in her garden, she didn't do B & B, but she had a friend two miles away who did, so she rang her for me. Time was getting on and I was ready to stop. The anwer came back, yes, and it's £50 as she only had doubles. I said no thanks. It seems daft to me that it was 7pm and she couldn't drop the price for a single occupancy, surely it is better to get some money for it, rather than leave it empty, and what was the chances of a couple turning up that late.
No choice but to carry on, and the shortest route would be to follow the river. I broke into a trot along there, as I didn't want to be out after the sun went down. You should have seen me, like a whippet I ran, ha ha. As I got closer to York I came across two young men out for a training session, they were walking very fast. I asked them if I could get to the hostel all the way along the river. They were happy to accompany me for the last leg of the walk and take me to the door. I'm glad I met them because walking with them kept me focused on getting there. They told me they were training for a 24 hour walk of 50 miles, Blimey that would kill me off, ha ha. Boy was I glad to get booked in just before 9pm. Whew, that was cutting it a bit fine.
When I next post I will be at home. Last day tomorrow. Whooppeeee, nearly there. Toodle pip.


  1. 24 hr walk of 50 miles kill you off? Rubbish! I can see you doing that next.

    So, do you like the hostel at York? Have a great last day.

  2. Hope all is well for tomorrow and your aches and pains do not hinder your progress. You are doing really well Ilona, keep it up. Beautiful photo's again,Ripon Cathedral is very impressive. Have stayed up in the hope of catching todays blog!

  3. Thanks for the picture of Ripon Mum was Christened there. Didn't realise it was so posh!
    Have a great day tomorrow...hope your kit is all dried off.
    Jane x

  4. About 30 miles, a pretty long walk ... Ripon looks nice, I went there some years ago but the weather was bad then, must go and see it when the sun is shining!

  5. You are an inspiration to all!
    Well done!
    Guess you are already planning the next one...NOT!

    Hope the rain holds off quite a bit for you.

    Sandie xx

  6. Nice looking water pump that. It's in Myton-on-Swale. ("HMS" is probably Henry Miles Stapylton - he built the bridge over the R Swale in Myton.)


  7. I went to Ripon on a WI trip and it was beautiful! Loved the cathedral and boat ride. Next time I have to take my camera!!

  8. All I can say is..... you must have been absilutely shattered last night. How lovely of the young men to accompany you for the last leg of YOUR marathon yesterday, it must have been dark by then.

    Sue xx

  9. great photos Ilona, thanks for taking the time to share them all.

  10. Beautiful shot of Newby Hall - it looks picture postcard perfect. Cheers Judy

  11. Thanks for sharing your pics. I have never been to Ripon - it does look lovely. I may put that on my list of things to do in the Summer. Take care on your way home. Debs x

  12. Brilliant blog and I've enjoyed reading about your walk and looking at the great photos. What kind of camera do you use? Can I give a tip. I've done a lot of long distance walks and Like you was fed up with the stuffed feeling after staying at B&Bs. So I used to ask that instead of the cooked part of the breakfast, could they make me ham or cheese sandwiches for me to take away with me. I'd have the cereal and toast and coffee. This came about when I stayed in a pub whilst doing Offa's Dyke and they couldn't provide cooked breakfast.
    Keep on trekking!

  13. You are having mixed weather. £50 for B&B. You could have haggled the price down but then you wouldn't have met the two young men!

  14. My word, you have excelled yourself with that trip! Well done for making it to the Youth Hostel in time. Lovely photos again. Looking forward to the last part, too. Good luck for tomorrow.

  15. Keep going girl you can make it ....well done !! Ripon looks very nice I think I shall have to give it a visit. Have a good nights sleep catch up with you tomorrow Kind regards Jean

  16. Beautiful pictures!! You do realize though that you break every safety tip women are ever taught. Walking alone at night, talking and walking with strangers. Be safe!

  17. I am so enjoying this virtual holiday Ilona. Thanks for taking the time to put up the pictures.

  18. Hello Ilona, it's me, Linda, we arrived home about an hour or so ago. We couldn't get any internet access last night, for some reason, so I'm now catching up with everything. Not far to go now and you've had a great trip. You know Mick and I think you should do as Alfred Wainwright did and keep notes of all your wonderful walks. I bet there are many people out here in blogland that would love to see them published!
    It was wonderful to meet you "in the flesh" so to speak. You are such a lovely person and such an inspiration. I do hope that we meet up again. Don't forget, Stenson Bubble is right on our doorstep.
    Best wishes, Linda

  19. Another cracking TR, I! Glad you made it to York in time to get the hostel bed..! Im really lovin the make up your own walk thingy, id like to do same when me kids are older and i can get out more.

    It was nice to see Ripon, we used to go there a bit when kids were little..time flies eh!

    Dave AJ

  20. The pictures are so lovely...I feel like I was there too.


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